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  • Writer's pictureStulls Steven

5 Factors to Consider When Buying a Ruby Ring

Updated: Feb 7

When it comes to ruby rings, there is an alluring mystique surrounding these crimson gemstones. They have been treasured for ages and are associated with love, passion and strength.

Are you on the hunt for the ideal ruby ring, whether it’s an exquisite pink ruby ring, a vintage ruby ring or an ageless ruby engagement ring? Look no further, we have got you covered with this comprehensive guide on the five essential factors to consider when buying a ruby ring. Stay with us till the end to learn more!

Quality Matters

The quality of the ruby is paramount when choosing a ruby ring. Consider the 4Cs, which are color, cut, clarity and carat weight. In the case of pink ruby rings, the rich, creamy pink hue is sought after. Make sure the ruby you choose is vibrant and not too dark which can decrease the brilliance of the gem. A precisely cut ruby can showcase its fiery red or pink tones, permitting it to shine brightly. On the contrary, clarity refers to the lack of inclusions or imperfections within the stone, whereas carat weight illustrates the weight and size of the ruby. Choose a combination that speaks volume about your personality and style.

Setting Style

The setting of your ruby ring can dramatically alter its overall appearance. When selecting a ruby engagement ring, you’ll encounter numerous styles, from iconic solitaires to intricate halo settings. The setting can elevate the brilliance of ruby and it is important to choose the one that complements the stone. Consider the metal type, whether it’s platinum, white gold or yellow gold to further amplify the ring’s aesthetics.

Certificate of Authenticity

Ensure that the ruby in your ring comes with a reliable certificate. Well-known gemological laboratories provide certificates that guarantee the authenticity of the gem and other important information about its originality and quality. Look for certificates from reputable organizations such as the GIA or the IGI to ensure you are getting what you pay for.


Before embarking on the hunt to find the ideal ruby ring, it’s essential to set your budget. Ruby rings can vary widely in price, depending on the factors mentioned above. Setting a budget can assist you in narrowing down your choices and making sure that you acquire a fine piece that not just matches your desire but also your financial capacity.

Source and Ethics

Just like with any other gemstone, it’s crucial to consider the source and ethical practices associated with your ruby ring. Go for jewelers and brands that adhere to ethical and sustainable mining and sourcing practices. This ensures that your stunning real ruby ring comes with a clear conscience, knowing it was procured responsibly.

Summing Up

Whether you are seeking a pink ruby ring, a ruby engagement ring or a vintage ruby rings, these five factors can guide your decision-making process. By considering these factors carefully, you are well-prepared for your journey to find the perfect ruby ring that not just dazzles your eyes but also warms your heart.

At GemsNY, you can find a plethora of ruby ring designs. Shop now to experience amazing discounts on your first order. Read More : Promise Rings: Perfect For Your Love Bond

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