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  • Writer's pictureStulls Steven

5 Unique Reasons Why We Love Emeralds

Updated: Feb 7

People have always been attracted to green emerald stones for centuries. Being emerald lovers, we’ve all heard about how fond Cleopatra was of emeralds. We also know about Pliny the Elder, the famous Roman author who has written about the comforting color of emeralds in his book Natural History. There are many more instances through which one can find out that emeralds have a great history of adulation. But why are people fond of emeralds? Why do we love them? Let’s talk about 5 unique reasons why we love green emerald gemstones.

Soothing Color

One of the biggest reasons why people feel a liking for emeralds is their color. Emerald is the bluish green to green variety of the mineral beryl and gets its color from the presence of the elements vanadium and chromium in trace proportions in its crystalline structure. The vivid green color of emerald goes easy on the eye; in fact, it’s the soothest of all colors that can relieve stress and anxiety.

This gemstone is the standard for the color green among other green color gemstones. Imagine yourself coming home after a busy day. As you sit in your favorite chair and take a look at your green emerald ring, it quickly takes away all your stress and eye strain. The comforting lush green color of emeralds will make you forget about all the worries. Now, what are your thoughts about emeralds?

Dependable Hardness & Durability

Emerald offers remarkable hardness and durability. The gemstone scores 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale of hardness. This means you can wear emeralds in both low-contact and high-contact jewelry pieces. Emerald is the third hardest gemstone after diamond, ruby and sapphire. When people look for a gemstone that they can wear in an everyday wear jewelry piece, their first prerequisite is that the gemstone should offer a reliable level of sturdiness.

Because emerald is one of the sturdiest gemstones, people choose this gemstone for the jewelry pieces they want to wear everyday. Moreover, the hardness and durability of emeralds also make them perfect for heirloom jewelry. Jewelry encrusted with emeralds can be passed down to generations. Also Read : Promise Rings: Perfect For Your Love Bond

Great Investment Option

Natural emeralds offer great monetary value. Due to their rarity and high demand, these gemstones make good investment options. Their prices are most likely to increase over a period of time. That’s the reason why those seeking financially and culturally valuable gemstones love emeralds. So, if you’re thinking of investing in a natural emerald gemstone, you can expect an appreciation on the amount that you’ve invested.

Rich Symbolism & Legends

Emerald is one of those gemstones that have received widespread adulation throughout history. Its symbolism encompasses not only royalty and wit but also eloquence and foresight. Also known as ‘The Gem of Kings’, emerald was regarded as a superior gemstone right from ancient times. It was the favorite of not only the general public but also kings and queens. Cleopatra was passionate about emeralds. She used to adorn herself and her palace with emeralds. During her reign in Egypt, everybody was fond of emeralds because of their beauty and restfulness.

People used to wear emeralds as talismans and believed that these gemstones could give them the power to predict future events. Because of the restful color of emeralds, gem cutters loved them. They used to relieve their eyes of strain by gazing at emeralds. In some mythologies offering emerald to the almighty leads to various material and spiritual rewards. Emerald symbolism and legends are very vast. Only a few gemstones can match the level of symbolism and legends that emeralds have.

Healing Properties

The healing properties of emeralds draw attention to these gemstones like nothing else does. Apart from adding a touch of elegance and grace, emeralds offer great healing benefits. These gemstones can reduce stress and improve mental clarity. People use these gemstones for skin treatments. Moreover, emeralds work wonders in imparting wisdom of thought and attracting true love. So, there you go!

The Bottom Line

Emeralds are truly a gift of Mother Nature. They have everything one could wish for to be your dream gemstone. Now that you know about 5 of the unique reasons why we love emeralds, you should surely invest in these gemstones. So, all the best for your investment.

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